Patrick Hughes invented reverse perspective. He made his first reverse perspective work, Sticking-out Room, in 1964 and began fully exploring shaped boards and ‘reverspective’ in 1985. Latterly, there have been a number of people, around the world, imitating his work. Some acknowledge Patrick’s invention, others do not.
Individuals have been prosecuted for plagiarism.
Reverspective Limited has no association with these copiers and regularly searches for and pursues plagiarists.
Mikhail Dolzenkov The latest copycat imposter. This Russian creep closely imitates Hughes’ideas and thereby steals them. He is an intellectual thief and should be arrested.
Virgil Dizon Awful perspective, awful paintings, he should give up art and take up bee-keeping. A know-nothing who thinks he is interesting but he is not.
Lynn Fecteau Hopelessly sentimental trash.
Patrick Laheyne Has a derivative work in the M.C. Escher Museum in The Hague, Netherlands. This is disgraceful on the part of such a state-sponsored institution. They do not credit their Ames Room.
Robert Le Page Used the idea, without asking permission, in his film Possible Worlds 2001 and had to pay a fat fee.
Antonio Rojas A cheapjack imitator and flashy superficialist.
Peter Roth A nice man, who at least gives credit to Patrick Hughes. Has copied Hughes geometry and imagery. Unwisely puts pictures of people in his paintings.
Joseph Somers A hopeless old fart who has wasted his life failing to do anything with my idea. He has been successfully sued.
Fergus Sullivan Thought he would make his fortune but made a fool of himself.
Vinzarth This pathetic plagiarist has not yet dared to reproduce my Venice imagery but doubtless he will. He used to imitate Manga comics.
John D Wilson A useless artist who always imitates, badly, other artists. Purely commercial and very deplorable.
Brian Weavers A nit-picking nitwit who only brings greed and stupidity to art, which should be creative and generous.
Patrick feels strongly about artists who imitate and urges them to pursue their own ideas, in the words of Johannes Kepler, to “mind their own business”.
Kepler in the sixteenth century in his introduction to Astronomia Nova wrote, “Advice for idiots. But whoever is too stupid to understand astronomical science, or too weak to believe Copernicus without [it] affecting his faith, I would advise him that, having dismissed astronomical studies, and having damned whatever philosophical studies he pleases, he mind his own business and betake himself home to scratch in his own dirt patch.”